Everything has been as lovely as ever here in Suva. School’s good, the wonderful people I’ve met are all good, life is good =)
I’m currently sitting at Coffee Central (the only coffee spot on campus) taking a study break after reading about 50 pages for my Sociology class. I’m genuinely enjoying the reading material that I’ve been given for my classes out here... not sure if that’s a result of my lack of interest in the internet since being here, or if the slow paced lifestyle makes me want to pick up a book and read... regardless, I’m happy to be studying during my down time. Not to mention, sipping a long black whilst straining to hear law students’ philosophical debates over the sound of a torrential downpour – in my summer dress & flip flops – makes studying fun!
One of my favourite things about Fiji is the buses. They're windowless and play reggae music so loud that you can barely hear yourself think! Also, boys possess a quality that we seldom see in North America – chivalry. Each and every time a woman (regardless of age) gets onto a full bus, men stand up and offer them their seats – *swoon*.
Last night I was in a full blown battle with two geckos – trying to kindly get them off of my ceiling and out the door. I’ve grown far more confident in my bug-killing skills, but still require poor Ang’s assistance at times... she’s graciously fed up with it hahaha. Unfortunately, such gecko troubles have been commonplace for me as of late. On Friday night we all went out and I found myself trying to shoo out another gecko at 3 am in the morning, whilst not in the clearest of minds =_= On a brighter note, a bunch of us international kids went to the Colo-i-Suva Forest Park waterfalls on Sunday. It was a beautiful day of rope swinging, waterfall bathing & swimming!
There are lots of exciting things to look forward to this weekend! My Geography class is heading over to Lutu Village for a two night field trip from Thursday to Saturday. We’ll be observing the village’s agricultural practices and participating in their day-to-day activities. I’m anxious to learn about subsistence farming and to see what Fijian village life is like. We’re very fortunate to have this opportunity! Then on Saturday night the male & female buildings of 10th hall are participating in a big block party before a night of dancing in town! Suffice it to say, schooling at USP is significantly better than SFU =)
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